
The latest scholarships given by the Morden Area Foundation.

Bill & Linda Fehr Scholarship – $550

Mature student or past graduate out of school for a minimum of one year or longer and wishing to return to a community college or other post secondary institution for further education. This scholarship has been established in memory of Bill L. Fehr. Bill moved back home to the Morden area and sought additional education to pursue his interests in business and community. It was through these experiences that he saw the need to encourage others to strive and succeed. The ability to recognize and achieve personal goals through further education will continue to enrich the individual and community.

Criteria for this scholarship: mature student or past graduate (1 year +) seeking to return to a community college or other post-secondary institution for further education; caring, helpful attitude, high financial need; student/individual having a commitment to continuous learning and community involvement.

Please click the link below for the Bill & Linda Fehr Scholarship application form, then mail or email to the Morden Area Foundation.

  • 2023 Jennifer Krecker
  • 2022 No award granted
  • 2021 Katherina Thiessen
  • 2020 Kate Zacharias
  • 2019 Oxana Kilikova

Bill and Linda Fehr Scholarship Fund Application



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